Homeowner Tips
Mosquito control can often be a community effort. Residents are encouraged to look after their own property and remove standing water, especially after a rain event. The best way to eliminate mosquitoes is to get rid of their breeding habitats. Mosquitoes look for any standing water to lay their eggs and backyards have a variety of sites where they can flourish. Some common breeding locations found in backyards are:
- Ornamental Ponds
- Old Tires
- Tree Holes
- Neglected Swimming Pools
- Bird Baths
- Tarps and Containers
- Clogged Rain Gutters
- Rain Barrels
- Open Trash Bins
- Buckets and Barrels
Practice the three D’s
- Drain any standing water that may produce mosquitoes.
- Dress when you can in light colored, loose fitting, long sleeved clothing.
- Defend yourself by using a mosquito repellent. Look for products containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.